Coal is a mineral that is essential for economic development in Indonesia. Indonesia was granted a great wealth of coal reserves to meet export and domestic demand for several centuries. In connection with the regulation of diversification of energy sources to anticipate the reduction in reserves of oil and gas resources
Effort made to find coal deposits has generated a great discovery assets are divided in several large areas. It was also so does the growth of exports which grew faster than domestic production and use, as well as growth in exports which grew rapidly in large numbers. Indonesian coal assets now estimated to around 36 Billion tons consisted of 67% in Sumatra, 32% in Kalimantan and the rest in Irian Jaya, Java and Sulawesi. Of the total source, only 4.8 billion tons of reserves classified as measured, while the remaining reserves and probable reserves unexpected.
There are 3 different principle of national regulations on coal that is intensification, diversification and conservation.
- Intensification in the development of knowledge means to continue the inventory of coal in order to increase knowledge about the potential sources in the quantity and quality.
- Diversification is known as pemamfaatan of coal in various ways to meet energy demand and support the non-oil commodity export regulations in addition to local industry.
- Conservation means to support the optimization of long-term coal.
The quality of coal deposits in Kalimantan have in common with coal specifications that have been mined by various manufacturers in Indonesia, including the manufacturer of Mahakam River in East Kalimantan and large producers in south Kalimantan and Sumatra. Coal has been proved suitable for domestic and export markets. Coal exported by producers is already used for power generation and general industrial State - Country importer in North Asia such as Japan, Taiwan and Hong Kong, as well as emerging markets dimalaysia, Thailand and the Philippines. Domestic market, too, in addition to the development of coal consumption for power generation, cement industry and other industries is the market share for coal producers.
Indonesia is known along with Australia, China and India as a major coal producer in Asia Pacific and is currently the largest exporter of coal for no.3 for power generation (thermal coal).
In 2002 Indonesia produced nearly 100 million tons of thermal coal which 60% exported and 40% consumed domestically. Indonesia represents an important producer in the supply of coal to the Asian market. The effect of increasing domestic consumption in Indonesia will begin gradually lowering the intensity of exporting coal Asian kekonsumen that although Indonesia would continue to contribute to growth in coal production together - together with Australia as a major supplier of thermal coal in a single region.
Indonesia is known as one of the independent power project developers (PLS) through Buildown scheme and Operate (BBO), which was introduced in 1990 to address gaps and shortages of electricity and support the ongoing industrialization. It is also considering diversifying into the diesel fuel from coal and gas, will balance the domestic economic growth to a greater source of energy.
In 1998 the development of PLS program was stopped because of the economic crisis and many PLS projects already approved which resulted in delayed implementation pemasiok scarcity of electricity.
Year 2000 - 2001, PLN is set to re-evaluate the program PLS projects and decided to resume some IPP projects are delayed. Additional domestic coal demand will be more to meet demand from power plants and power plants sawasta already owned by PLN.
In addition to demand for coal-fired electricity production, cement industry, paper industry (pulp) and other general industrial pemamfataan of coal has increased dramatically the last ten years and penigngkatan consumption will continue with the conversion of existing combustion systems in cement industry, paper ( pulp), textile and other industries. Indocement and Semen cibinong as the largest cement producer has a lot to replace their heating system (furnace) to coal fuel in the last 2 years which led to an increase in demand for coal orders 2 to 3 million tons per year.
Domestic coal consumption in 1993/1994 was 9.4 million tons is expected to increase to 50.0 million tonnes in 2003/2004, an increase of 500% can only be met by the development of existing mines.
Import of coal fuel for electricity and industry has increased progressively from 37.9 million tons per year 1995. It is estimated that the total coal demand will increase approximately 75.0 million tons in 2002. Mid-1996, Japan imported 25.5 million tons of coal of this type, indicating a further increase in import
More than 50% of the coal is imported from Australia and Indonesia whose numbers continue to grow from year to year. Additional sources of coal that has been recorded to increase the supply of kejepang is South Africa, China, Canada and the USA through the port of Los Angles. Unloading port facilities in Japan are available for this type of Panamax vessels and capesize, but the new port development is very limited due to funding issues. Ports that are in early stages of development or planning is new port for this type of Panamax ships in Tachibana (12.72 meters depth) to serve EPDC and Shikoku power that finished in 2000 and the Hitachi-Naka, capasize boat harbor for the type of small power planned for Tokyo to operate in 2002.
Coal price in Japan depends on the bidding / negotiations which set the standard annually based on a benchmark price with Australia - Japan. In 1997 the Japanese Physical coal prices for electricity generation kejepang is U.S. $ 38.30 / metric ton for calories 6700 kcal / kg (ad) Australian coal products. This price decrease in 1996. this is influenced by several purchases by Japanese consumers in small amounts to the opening of tenders by setting a lower market indicator than the previous standard pricing. Some manufacturers of Indonesia affected by the price fixing penalties Japanese coal market. This effect is smaller INDONESIA compared with Australia, but the price set is used as a tool of control by the Japanese consumer to establish contracts with Indonesian manufacturers for lower than standard price. This price in Japan was adapted by other Asian consumers as a mechanism for benegosiasi for a lower contract.
In 1993, South Koreans consume 17.0 million tons of coal for power generation, increased to 25.2 million tons in 1995 Australia and China as the main supplier of coal from Indonesia. According to the Korea Energy Economics Institute in May 1996, demand for coal for power generation and industry will increase to 41.2 million tons in the year 200 in which 33.0 million tonnes will be consumed by the electricity industry. This is indicated by an increase in substance more than 12.4 million tons consumed by the electricity industry in 1994 and in connection with the development planning of the addition of raw coal-fired power from 4476 MW in 1994 to 9578 MW in 2000. In the first 11 months of 1996 a total of 17.252 million tons imported by Korea Electric Corporation (Kepco) as compared to 14.805 million tonnes during the same period in 1995. A significant increase in imports in 1996 to 18.9 million tonnes.
Five power generation unit is scheduled to start operating in 1997 with a total production capacity of 2500 MW. The first 500 MW unit No. Tean. 3 which started in March 1997 followed by Hadong units (500 MW) and Samchonpo units (500 MW). Next 6 units of power plants with total production of 2,000 MW kapasisitas built and operational in 1998. South Korea pemeintah expect imports of low sulfur coal to serve the growing pemerintaan and taxes imposed on the sulfur in the end of 1996 and applies to all types of coal with sulfur content levels above 0.3%.
South Korea has established through the Ministry of commerce, Industry and Energy to develop the program into 6250 MW independent power producers for development during 2001 and 2002. Power purchase Agreements (ppa) will be negotiated between the candidate and Kepco IPP program for the contract period of 25 years. Development pembankit steam power plants in the future will be adjusted for loading and unloading port facilities and can receive up to capasize sized ships.
Capacity power plant in Taiwan in total approaching 23,000 MW of which 6450 MW is from coal. With GDP growth + / - 8.0% and energy demand increases to 4%, Taipower installed capacity expected to increase to 38,000 MW in 2002. The new production capacity of 7260 MW in 1995 offered to the private sector to operate between 1998-2002. Seven projects have been selected units for generating 3600 MW coal types berkapasits. The next tender for rapid program has resulted in the addition of 550 MW coal fired IPP type and starting in 1998. Between 2002 and 2007 there will be more IPP projects are planned.
In 1993 Taiwan imported 24.9 million tons of coal for electricity and industry, and increased to 29.2 million tons in 1995. About 65% of this type of coal that is now consumed by the electricity industry in Taiwan. With the new generation brought the development of Taipower and the private sector, is expected to the addition of 18.4 million tonnes of coal per year would be needed in 2002. Specified import policy will be updated to meet the requirements of increased imports of most of Australia, Indonesia and South Africa. Chronology of Taichung harbor would need to facilitate the deepening of ship types capasize to serve the fast flow of goods in this country and other ports need to be developed to support the requirements of increasing imports of coal. The delay has been estimated in implementsi IPP projects with Taipower in connection with the structure of the power purchase agreement. However, Formosa Plastic Corporate Mailiao project is being expanded and may increase its capacity was increased to 4200 MW.
In 1993, Hong Kong consumes 11.8 million tons of coal imports, and declining to 9.1 million tonnes in 1995 due to supply electricity from the Daya Bay Nuclear Station Pawer of 1260 MW located in mainland China in general 1994.Kontribusi of total coal capacity of electrical products has decreased with gas power plants are planned flowing through the pipeline from the island of Hainan kedaratan china. In the period 1995 to the year 2002.3 unut pengkit type 350 MW coal production became an important supply for Hong Kong Elictric on Lamma. Diharatan that the consumption of coal imports will total approximately 12.0 ju8ta tons per year in Hong Kong after the year 2000 amounting to 4400 MW in the surrounding province of Guangdong has been operating around the year 2000.
Import of coal for power plants and industries by the Philippines, 0.9 million tons in 1993 increased to 1.1 million tons in 1994. at present installed capacity is 1.460 MW power plant coal types terdi of NPC (National Power Corporatin) has 2 x 300 MW and 755 MW of IPP capacity from domestic pagbilao and Toledo.Batubar of semirara as fuel 300 MW Calaca II in addition to the rest imported. Type of coal plant projects being built by NPCs in the visual MW and 200 MW in Mindanao by the private sector is planned for beroperosi in 1999.
It is expected that the demand for imported coal for electricity and industry will increase rapidly to 6.0 million tons in 1999 and more 9.0 million tonnes in 2002. Looks like this request will be met by Indonesia and will be served with the ship handymax / Panamax because of restrictions at the port of loading and private muat.pembangkit 1.000 MW in the visual would have the facility built as palabuhan muat.dan unloading Panamax. denagn pripatisasi in 1997/98 by the NPC, all power plants in the Philippines will stand on its own. Currently, the provision of coal by the IPPs begin Power Purchase Agreement (PPA) with the NPC, unlike supplies directly to the IPPs as in other countries.
Thailand in 1993 Thailand imported nearly 1.0 surprise tons of coal for power plants and industry increased by 2332 million tonnes in 1995 and imports growing by more than 2.9 million tonnes in 1996. In 2002 private power plant will use a large portion of imported coal with a capacity of 2100 MW and 2,800 MW and a variety of treatment options were re-recorded including unloading port facilities and floating cranes until delivery pontoon, adapted to environmental conditions. Indonesia is a major supplier of coal to Thailand and Thai companies are very active substance to seek sources of coal supplies INDONESIA to secure their future.
The Electricity Generating Authority of Thailand (EGAT) has adopted an objective approach to the development of independent power projects where it would require electricity from the IPPs that have been approved dalam2 stage of developments, in addition to the PP-Small Power Producers with industry and generating units that can operate commercially as soon as possible. The first phase of the IPP with a capacity of 4900 MW power plant is a type of PLG, but in the second stage is a 2,800 MW power plant species, mostly using imported coal.
EGAT intends to increase generating capacity to 22,000 MW ditahun 2000, including 2600 MW coal-fired Mae Moh lignite type. Currently more than 16.0 million tons of lignite coal types with high sulfur content is consumed domestically by electricity and cement industries with the most users of coal imports. Additional receiver port capacity are being considered for this type of Panamax vessels and Mahaput for additional facilities.
China is the largest producer and consumer of coal in the world, and most of its coal production is located west of the Sea and the rapid growth in electricity consumption in industry, especially terutam Southeast section of this country. China's import mengingkatkan bartubara than 1.6 million tonnes in 1995 to the cities in the south while it also exports from the port section mengingkatkan North.
The authorities plan to develop generating capacity from 100,000 MW of coal types in 1993 to 230,000 MW in 2002. With this capacity, about 70,000 MW to be supported by the operation of a capacity below 300 MW.
Government's target for export amounted to 50.0 million tons of coal per year after 2000, but the infrastructure can not be achieved, the possibility of imports will reach at least 20.0 million tons per year 2002 to dibelahan southern provinces of China.
In the last 10 months in 1996 the South Province of China according to statistical data, which imports most of South kePropinsi in China according to statistical data, which imports most of kepropinsi Guangdong, there were 2.68 million tons. This figure shows the increase of almost 3 times more than the previous year. Other provinces that import of coal is the Zhuhai, Shanghai, Zheijiang, Faujian and Zhenzhen where imported mainly from Australia and Indonesia it appears logical. Currently there are plans to develop the port for this type of ship capsize in beilun who can receive distribution and sale of coal to the country's southeast section. China has reduced import levies coal from 12% to 6% in April 1996 to increase the facility to "import" of coal.
The Central Electricity Autothority (CEA) of India has predicted the existence of a large penigkatan dri in electricity consumption is now installed capacity of 83,000 MW of which approximately 53 000 MW is the type of generator batubara.Untuk improve and modernize the power-generator, India has transferred to the private sector under the BOO agreement amounted to 34,000 MW of IPP proposals and 8,000 MW of coal was imported. 4550 MW of coal import by IPPs has been approved by CEA. The first project approved by the CEA for coal import is Cogentrix and China Light and Power, sponsored 1000 MW Mangalore Power Company and coal consumption by 3.25 million tons / year by using a floating crane unloading facilities.
The modaldari planting new plants close to the sand daera believe that this coal supply lebi can count on and have better quality. While India has large coal resources, but quality varies widely with a high ash Kedar terleytak in the Northeast of this country and far from consumption centers. National mining and regulations regional.politik and security issues will bring negative impact of the projected growth in electricity production by the CEA. However, it is estimated that demand for coal imports will increase in future. amount of imported coal for power generation and industrial use to reach 30.0 million tons in 2002 due to the reduction of import duty from 35% to 20%. adding the potential of imported coal for electricity and industry in 1995 with a total of 1.2 million tons of coal for electricity needs come from Indonesia, Australia and South Africa to meet the increasing demand for coal for electricity and industrial needs must be balanced view pebngunan muatnya port and unloading facilities. The lack of launch will always be there because of port capacity is now limited to ships handimax size because of limited capacity. Poroposal now being reviewed for development of port capacity greater precipitation in gopalpur, Orissa and Goa's development plan for 2000 which proved not achieved because of the long decision-making process in India.
The following table illustrates the potential growth in demand for imported coal for generating electricity by Asian countries, nearly 2-fold increase over the 6 years between 1993 and 1999.
Kalimantan Coal Quality Comparison Table
Effort made to find coal deposits has generated a great discovery assets are divided in several large areas. It was also so does the growth of exports which grew faster than domestic production and use, as well as growth in exports which grew rapidly in large numbers. Indonesian coal assets now estimated to around 36 Billion tons consisted of 67% in Sumatra, 32% in Kalimantan and the rest in Irian Jaya, Java and Sulawesi. Of the total source, only 4.8 billion tons of reserves classified as measured, while the remaining reserves and probable reserves unexpected.
There are 3 different principle of national regulations on coal that is intensification, diversification and conservation.
- Intensification in the development of knowledge means to continue the inventory of coal in order to increase knowledge about the potential sources in the quantity and quality.
- Diversification is known as pemamfaatan of coal in various ways to meet energy demand and support the non-oil commodity export regulations in addition to local industry.
- Conservation means to support the optimization of long-term coal.
The quality of coal deposits in Kalimantan have in common with coal specifications that have been mined by various manufacturers in Indonesia, including the manufacturer of Mahakam River in East Kalimantan and large producers in south Kalimantan and Sumatra. Coal has been proved suitable for domestic and export markets. Coal exported by producers is already used for power generation and general industrial State - Country importer in North Asia such as Japan, Taiwan and Hong Kong, as well as emerging markets dimalaysia, Thailand and the Philippines. Domestic market, too, in addition to the development of coal consumption for power generation, cement industry and other industries is the market share for coal producers.
Indonesia is known along with Australia, China and India as a major coal producer in Asia Pacific and is currently the largest exporter of coal for no.3 for power generation (thermal coal).
In 2002 Indonesia produced nearly 100 million tons of thermal coal which 60% exported and 40% consumed domestically. Indonesia represents an important producer in the supply of coal to the Asian market. The effect of increasing domestic consumption in Indonesia will begin gradually lowering the intensity of exporting coal Asian kekonsumen that although Indonesia would continue to contribute to growth in coal production together - together with Australia as a major supplier of thermal coal in a single region.
Indonesia is known as one of the independent power project developers (PLS) through Buildown scheme and Operate (BBO), which was introduced in 1990 to address gaps and shortages of electricity and support the ongoing industrialization. It is also considering diversifying into the diesel fuel from coal and gas, will balance the domestic economic growth to a greater source of energy.
In 1998 the development of PLS program was stopped because of the economic crisis and many PLS projects already approved which resulted in delayed implementation pemasiok scarcity of electricity.
Year 2000 - 2001, PLN is set to re-evaluate the program PLS projects and decided to resume some IPP projects are delayed. Additional domestic coal demand will be more to meet demand from power plants and power plants sawasta already owned by PLN.
In addition to demand for coal-fired electricity production, cement industry, paper industry (pulp) and other general industrial pemamfataan of coal has increased dramatically the last ten years and penigngkatan consumption will continue with the conversion of existing combustion systems in cement industry, paper ( pulp), textile and other industries. Indocement and Semen cibinong as the largest cement producer has a lot to replace their heating system (furnace) to coal fuel in the last 2 years which led to an increase in demand for coal orders 2 to 3 million tons per year.
Domestic coal consumption in 1993/1994 was 9.4 million tons is expected to increase to 50.0 million tonnes in 2003/2004, an increase of 500% can only be met by the development of existing mines.
Import of coal fuel for electricity and industry has increased progressively from 37.9 million tons per year 1995. It is estimated that the total coal demand will increase approximately 75.0 million tons in 2002. Mid-1996, Japan imported 25.5 million tons of coal of this type, indicating a further increase in import
More than 50% of the coal is imported from Australia and Indonesia whose numbers continue to grow from year to year. Additional sources of coal that has been recorded to increase the supply of kejepang is South Africa, China, Canada and the USA through the port of Los Angles. Unloading port facilities in Japan are available for this type of Panamax vessels and capesize, but the new port development is very limited due to funding issues. Ports that are in early stages of development or planning is new port for this type of Panamax ships in Tachibana (12.72 meters depth) to serve EPDC and Shikoku power that finished in 2000 and the Hitachi-Naka, capasize boat harbor for the type of small power planned for Tokyo to operate in 2002.
Coal price in Japan depends on the bidding / negotiations which set the standard annually based on a benchmark price with Australia - Japan. In 1997 the Japanese Physical coal prices for electricity generation kejepang is U.S. $ 38.30 / metric ton for calories 6700 kcal / kg (ad) Australian coal products. This price decrease in 1996. this is influenced by several purchases by Japanese consumers in small amounts to the opening of tenders by setting a lower market indicator than the previous standard pricing. Some manufacturers of Indonesia affected by the price fixing penalties Japanese coal market. This effect is smaller INDONESIA compared with Australia, but the price set is used as a tool of control by the Japanese consumer to establish contracts with Indonesian manufacturers for lower than standard price. This price in Japan was adapted by other Asian consumers as a mechanism for benegosiasi for a lower contract.
In 1993, South Koreans consume 17.0 million tons of coal for power generation, increased to 25.2 million tons in 1995 Australia and China as the main supplier of coal from Indonesia. According to the Korea Energy Economics Institute in May 1996, demand for coal for power generation and industry will increase to 41.2 million tons in the year 200 in which 33.0 million tonnes will be consumed by the electricity industry. This is indicated by an increase in substance more than 12.4 million tons consumed by the electricity industry in 1994 and in connection with the development planning of the addition of raw coal-fired power from 4476 MW in 1994 to 9578 MW in 2000. In the first 11 months of 1996 a total of 17.252 million tons imported by Korea Electric Corporation (Kepco) as compared to 14.805 million tonnes during the same period in 1995. A significant increase in imports in 1996 to 18.9 million tonnes.
Five power generation unit is scheduled to start operating in 1997 with a total production capacity of 2500 MW. The first 500 MW unit No. Tean. 3 which started in March 1997 followed by Hadong units (500 MW) and Samchonpo units (500 MW). Next 6 units of power plants with total production of 2,000 MW kapasisitas built and operational in 1998. South Korea pemeintah expect imports of low sulfur coal to serve the growing pemerintaan and taxes imposed on the sulfur in the end of 1996 and applies to all types of coal with sulfur content levels above 0.3%.
South Korea has established through the Ministry of commerce, Industry and Energy to develop the program into 6250 MW independent power producers for development during 2001 and 2002. Power purchase Agreements (ppa) will be negotiated between the candidate and Kepco IPP program for the contract period of 25 years. Development pembankit steam power plants in the future will be adjusted for loading and unloading port facilities and can receive up to capasize sized ships.
Capacity power plant in Taiwan in total approaching 23,000 MW of which 6450 MW is from coal. With GDP growth + / - 8.0% and energy demand increases to 4%, Taipower installed capacity expected to increase to 38,000 MW in 2002. The new production capacity of 7260 MW in 1995 offered to the private sector to operate between 1998-2002. Seven projects have been selected units for generating 3600 MW coal types berkapasits. The next tender for rapid program has resulted in the addition of 550 MW coal fired IPP type and starting in 1998. Between 2002 and 2007 there will be more IPP projects are planned.
In 1993 Taiwan imported 24.9 million tons of coal for electricity and industry, and increased to 29.2 million tons in 1995. About 65% of this type of coal that is now consumed by the electricity industry in Taiwan. With the new generation brought the development of Taipower and the private sector, is expected to the addition of 18.4 million tonnes of coal per year would be needed in 2002. Specified import policy will be updated to meet the requirements of increased imports of most of Australia, Indonesia and South Africa. Chronology of Taichung harbor would need to facilitate the deepening of ship types capasize to serve the fast flow of goods in this country and other ports need to be developed to support the requirements of increasing imports of coal. The delay has been estimated in implementsi IPP projects with Taipower in connection with the structure of the power purchase agreement. However, Formosa Plastic Corporate Mailiao project is being expanded and may increase its capacity was increased to 4200 MW.
In 1993, Hong Kong consumes 11.8 million tons of coal imports, and declining to 9.1 million tonnes in 1995 due to supply electricity from the Daya Bay Nuclear Station Pawer of 1260 MW located in mainland China in general 1994.Kontribusi of total coal capacity of electrical products has decreased with gas power plants are planned flowing through the pipeline from the island of Hainan kedaratan china. In the period 1995 to the year 2002.3 unut pengkit type 350 MW coal production became an important supply for Hong Kong Elictric on Lamma. Diharatan that the consumption of coal imports will total approximately 12.0 ju8ta tons per year in Hong Kong after the year 2000 amounting to 4400 MW in the surrounding province of Guangdong has been operating around the year 2000.
Import of coal for power plants and industries by the Philippines, 0.9 million tons in 1993 increased to 1.1 million tons in 1994. at present installed capacity is 1.460 MW power plant coal types terdi of NPC (National Power Corporatin) has 2 x 300 MW and 755 MW of IPP capacity from domestic pagbilao and Toledo.Batubar of semirara as fuel 300 MW Calaca II in addition to the rest imported. Type of coal plant projects being built by NPCs in the visual MW and 200 MW in Mindanao by the private sector is planned for beroperosi in 1999.
It is expected that the demand for imported coal for electricity and industry will increase rapidly to 6.0 million tons in 1999 and more 9.0 million tonnes in 2002. Looks like this request will be met by Indonesia and will be served with the ship handymax / Panamax because of restrictions at the port of loading and private muat.pembangkit 1.000 MW in the visual would have the facility built as palabuhan muat.dan unloading Panamax. denagn pripatisasi in 1997/98 by the NPC, all power plants in the Philippines will stand on its own. Currently, the provision of coal by the IPPs begin Power Purchase Agreement (PPA) with the NPC, unlike supplies directly to the IPPs as in other countries.
Thailand in 1993 Thailand imported nearly 1.0 surprise tons of coal for power plants and industry increased by 2332 million tonnes in 1995 and imports growing by more than 2.9 million tonnes in 1996. In 2002 private power plant will use a large portion of imported coal with a capacity of 2100 MW and 2,800 MW and a variety of treatment options were re-recorded including unloading port facilities and floating cranes until delivery pontoon, adapted to environmental conditions. Indonesia is a major supplier of coal to Thailand and Thai companies are very active substance to seek sources of coal supplies INDONESIA to secure their future.
The Electricity Generating Authority of Thailand (EGAT) has adopted an objective approach to the development of independent power projects where it would require electricity from the IPPs that have been approved dalam2 stage of developments, in addition to the PP-Small Power Producers with industry and generating units that can operate commercially as soon as possible. The first phase of the IPP with a capacity of 4900 MW power plant is a type of PLG, but in the second stage is a 2,800 MW power plant species, mostly using imported coal.
EGAT intends to increase generating capacity to 22,000 MW ditahun 2000, including 2600 MW coal-fired Mae Moh lignite type. Currently more than 16.0 million tons of lignite coal types with high sulfur content is consumed domestically by electricity and cement industries with the most users of coal imports. Additional receiver port capacity are being considered for this type of Panamax vessels and Mahaput for additional facilities.
China is the largest producer and consumer of coal in the world, and most of its coal production is located west of the Sea and the rapid growth in electricity consumption in industry, especially terutam Southeast section of this country. China's import mengingkatkan bartubara than 1.6 million tonnes in 1995 to the cities in the south while it also exports from the port section mengingkatkan North.
The authorities plan to develop generating capacity from 100,000 MW of coal types in 1993 to 230,000 MW in 2002. With this capacity, about 70,000 MW to be supported by the operation of a capacity below 300 MW.
Government's target for export amounted to 50.0 million tons of coal per year after 2000, but the infrastructure can not be achieved, the possibility of imports will reach at least 20.0 million tons per year 2002 to dibelahan southern provinces of China.
In the last 10 months in 1996 the South Province of China according to statistical data, which imports most of South kePropinsi in China according to statistical data, which imports most of kepropinsi Guangdong, there were 2.68 million tons. This figure shows the increase of almost 3 times more than the previous year. Other provinces that import of coal is the Zhuhai, Shanghai, Zheijiang, Faujian and Zhenzhen where imported mainly from Australia and Indonesia it appears logical. Currently there are plans to develop the port for this type of ship capsize in beilun who can receive distribution and sale of coal to the country's southeast section. China has reduced import levies coal from 12% to 6% in April 1996 to increase the facility to "import" of coal.
The Central Electricity Autothority (CEA) of India has predicted the existence of a large penigkatan dri in electricity consumption is now installed capacity of 83,000 MW of which approximately 53 000 MW is the type of generator batubara.Untuk improve and modernize the power-generator, India has transferred to the private sector under the BOO agreement amounted to 34,000 MW of IPP proposals and 8,000 MW of coal was imported. 4550 MW of coal import by IPPs has been approved by CEA. The first project approved by the CEA for coal import is Cogentrix and China Light and Power, sponsored 1000 MW Mangalore Power Company and coal consumption by 3.25 million tons / year by using a floating crane unloading facilities.
The modaldari planting new plants close to the sand daera believe that this coal supply lebi can count on and have better quality. While India has large coal resources, but quality varies widely with a high ash Kedar terleytak in the Northeast of this country and far from consumption centers. National mining and regulations regional.politik and security issues will bring negative impact of the projected growth in electricity production by the CEA. However, it is estimated that demand for coal imports will increase in future. amount of imported coal for power generation and industrial use to reach 30.0 million tons in 2002 due to the reduction of import duty from 35% to 20%. adding the potential of imported coal for electricity and industry in 1995 with a total of 1.2 million tons of coal for electricity needs come from Indonesia, Australia and South Africa to meet the increasing demand for coal for electricity and industrial needs must be balanced view pebngunan muatnya port and unloading facilities. The lack of launch will always be there because of port capacity is now limited to ships handimax size because of limited capacity. Poroposal now being reviewed for development of port capacity greater precipitation in gopalpur, Orissa and Goa's development plan for 2000 which proved not achieved because of the long decision-making process in India.
The following table illustrates the potential growth in demand for imported coal for generating electricity by Asian countries, nearly 2-fold increase over the 6 years between 1993 and 1999.
Kalimantan Coal Quality Comparison Table
Tabel Perbandingan Kualitas Batubara Kalimantan
Company | TM % (adb) | VM % (adb) | AC % (adb) | TS % (adb) | HGI | Calorific Value |
Arutmin, Senakin Multi Harapan Tanito Harum Barau Coal Mandiri/Sesayap | 4.0 10.0 16.0 12.7 | 39.5 40.0 37.0 35.9 | 15.0 5.0 3.2 4.6 | 0.7 0.8 0.9 0.8 | 40 47 52 47 | 6,300 6,350 5,700 6,200 |
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