Sabtu, 30 Oktober 2010


Successive disasters in the range of 2010 approached. As if to leave no room to recover. Flood disaster that struck the province of West Papua Wasior, which until today still in the stage recoveri. Disaster wasioar in annunciator as a result of illegal logging that has been long underway.
Then followed by the earthquake and Stunami that struck the Mentawai islands with Victims consisted of: 504 dead, 400 missing org, weight 15 org lk; lk light 25. Damage: SD 3 pieces; SMP 1 pc; rmh duty 4 units; rmh worship 5 pcs; bridge was heavily damaged 5 units; rmh heavy SSR 291 residents, 190 with minor damage (Post BPBD 14:17 GMT).
Then disaster came from the central region of Java island. Mount Merapi out hot clouds with the victim died and 29 people including Mbah Maridjan as caretaker Mount Merapi. Hot cloud resulting in damage to agricultural land, livestock. Destroying the house of worship facilities, public facilities, schools and the detectors are located in the south. While disaster Sinabung same lay out the heat also damaged agricultural land and farm communities around the mountain Sinabung. Before the Mentawai Islands earthquake and volcano Merapi in Yogyakarta, the capital city of Jakarta flooded pool of government-in-the resulting standstill in many points of Jakarta. Flooding has resulted in losses reaching billions of dollars.
When a devastating natural disaster came and destroyed what he went through, such as floods Wasior who bear most of the city. Mentawai earthquake which destroyed the Mentawai Islands and Mount Merapi which also destroyed the settlement in the vicinity of Mount Merapi.
But the disaster is a beginner tesebut of further disasters. In the sense of the word prevention of disaster victims, disaster recoveri and also disaster recovery. There are some disasters that sometimes more sad and painful, which is segaja inflicted by the policies and decisions of the central government to local levels.
First, the lack of disaster relief supplies, whether it be food, beverages, clothing, blankets and medicines. Aceh stunami disaster remembered that destroyed almost the entire western coastal region of Aceh. Delays in the supply of aid resulted in the emergence of disease and famine refugees who are still alive. Still fresh in the memories of how the tsunami victims in Aceh fighting over food thrown from the helicopter.
Second, pegungsi recoveri disaster. Various policies to make recoveri out with a hammer and knock on reinforced with various regulations began to level the law to local regulations. But do not touch recoveri hu needs. Post-earthquake west of Sumatra on 30 September 2009 which have passed one year. Seems like the slanting recoveri earthquake disaster relief is the right of the victim has not been fully accepted. This disaster in tingkahi with various fraud and also circumcision.
Third, traumatic disaster. How deep the trauma is still there in memory of victims of the disaster. Combating this requires a holistic and systematic approach to disaster victims. It takes experts that consists of psychological therapy and ongoing assistance.
Fourth, corruption disaster assistance. This is the disaster that destroys the human side. Sincerity of people to assist disaster victims with sincerity sengenap not achieve the desired goals. Still there is the greed and corrupt ketidakmanusiaan willing and able to help. Many cases have occurred how corruption makes the tragedy of disaster relief like the pandora box.
Fifth, the disaster negligence and negligence. Various disasters have come one after another from Sabang until Wasior with a variety of forms: Earthquakes are accompanied with stunami, flash floods, mud Lapindo, Mount Merapi, landslides and forest fires. But do not make a lesson that can educate us as a society to prepare for future disasters. Where the victim is still high with the pattern of the same disaster.
Sixth, arrogance and hubris disaster policy makers. A revelation that House leadership Ri is a consequence of disaster victims who lived on the island and the beach. This is the disaster that reflect ketidakempatian leadership of this nation. From their attitude, the disaster caused by the hubris and arrogance in the resulting decisions that add to suffering of disaster victims.
Pray for Indonesia. hopefully we can become people who are not negligent by mistake and grateful with the gift. Indonesiaku rose, Karna storm definitely passed. 

Indonesia crying, the children lose their parents, parents separated from their families, the bodies could not be recognized anymore. Tsunami Disaster Mentawai, and Mount Merapi has been spewing heat make the tears Indonesia. Please send prayers and assistance to our brothers in Indonesia on account of BNI: 0155684448, or 0142335559, (University of Hasanuddin Makassar branch office), we shall distribute to the needy

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ayo bergabung disini.... boleh berkomentar... asal sopan dan intelek, humoris, serta dapat menambah wawasan dan persaudaraan